Issue 3 / 2020

In the current CRi issue 3 (publication on: 15. Juni 2020) you find the following articles and case law:



Maalouf, Melissa / Rozen, Marci, CCPA Reflections on the Eve of Enforcement and in the Midst of a Global Pandemic, CRi 2020, 65-69

Rezlauf, Iana, Holistic Approach to Handling Big Datasets Including Personal Data for EU-Companies, CRi 2020, 69-76

Ruck, Michael, ‘Universal Service’ and the new EU Electronic Communications Code in the context of ‘end-user rights’ and ‘state-of-technology’, CRi 2020, 76-83

Case Law

CJEU (5th Chamber) v. 2 April 2020 - C-567/18, EU: No Trademark Infringement by Mere Stocking of Infringing Goods for Third Party on Amazon-Marketplace, CRi 2020, 83-86

Supreme Court v. 25 March 2020 - UKSC 2019/0057, UK: Data Protection – A Matter of Life or Death?, CRi 2020, 86-89

Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit v. 9 September 2019 - Case No. 17-16783, USA: Legality of Scraping Publicly Available Information, CRi 2020, 89-93

District Court for Southern District of New York v. 26 March 2020 - No. 16-CV-724-LTS-SDA, USA: Public Display of Player’s Tattoo in Basketball Video Game as Fair Use, CRi 2020, 93-96

Verlag Dr. Otto-Schmidt vom 17.06.2020