In the current CRi issue 2 (publication on: 15. April 2022) you find the following articles and case law:
Bäuerle, Michael, Legal Requirements for Algorithmically Prepared Decisions in the Field of Internal Security, CRi 2022, 33-40
Beardwood, John, RevRec, ASC 606 and IFRS 15: A Briefing on Changes to the Revenue Recognition Regime and their Impact on Technology Agreements, CRi 2022, 40-46
Case Law
Supreme Court of the United States v. 4 March 2022 - 595 U.S.___(2022) No. 20–828, USA: State secrets privilege and electronic surveillance conducted under FISA, CRi 2022, 46-50
CJEU (Ninth Chamber) v. 2 December 2021 - C-484/20, EU: Prohibition of charges for the use of payment instruments and payment services, CRi 2022, 51-53
Federal Court of Canada v. 8 July 2021 - , Canada: Collection, usage or disclosure of personal information by Google (due to the indexing of webpages and the presentation of search results), CRi 2022, 53-57
Court of Appeal of Nigeria (Makurdi Judicial Division) v. 30 March 2021 - CA/MK/03C/2020, (2021) LPELR-54201 (CA), 1–46, Nigeria: Penal liability for unlawful access to computers, CRi 2022, 57-60
Lejeune, Mathias, EU and USA: Trans-Atlantic Data Protection Framework for Data Transfers between the EU and the USA, CRi 2022, 60-61
Doğu, Ayça / Gündel Solak, Aybüke / Sözer, Can / Yılmaz, İlay, Turkey: Amendment in Consumer Legislation concerning Turkish Online Marketplaces, CRi 2022, 62-64