Issue 6 / 2017

In the current CRi issue 6 (publication on: 15. Dezember 2017) you find the following articles and case law:


Beardwood, John / Bowman, Mark, Using a Hammer to Crack a Nut: Troubling Global Trend Reflected in Canada’s Non-Party World-wide Internet Injunction, CRi 2017, 161-166

After a quick reminder of the background giving rise to Google Inc. v. Equustek Solutions, Inc. (I.), the article first presents the three major shortcomings of this Canadian decision (II.) and then reflects on the (in-)appropriateness of a court ordered response (III.) before analysing the judicial shortcomings in determining whether injunctive relief should rather be sought against a third party internet service provider (IV.).

Pesch, Paulina Jo / Sillaber, Christian, Distributed Ledger, Joint Control? – Blockchains and the GDPR’s Transparency Requirements, CRi 2017, 166-172

The article outlines the relevant characteristics of distributed ledger (DL) systems (II.) and then addresses the applicability of the GDPR (III.). The main focus (IV.) is on the discussion whether DL system participants can be considered controllers or even joint controllers that are obliged to determine their responsibilities in an arrangement pursuant to Art. 26 paras. 1, 2 GDPR (IV.). From this discussion conclusions are drawn on how to improve transparency in DL systems (V.).

Mutkoski, Stephen, Regulation of Patient Health Information and the Use of Cloud Computing Technologies, CRi 2017, 172-179

After a brief introduction (I.) the article first outlines how cloud services are an important element of the transformation of healthcare (II.) and then sets out policy recommendations for regulators and policymakers (III.) to establish appropriate data security and protection while streamlining regulator processes, requirements and reviews.

Lincke, Karl / Nourbakhsh, Aaron, An Analysis of the GDPR’s Effects on the Future of Cloud Outsourcing, CRi 2017, 179-185

The article first outlines how cloud computing and data protection are interlinked (I.). It then examines the following selected GDPR changes and their impact on cloud outsourcing: The reshaped obligations for data controllers and data processors in the light of the GDPR, the crucial aspects of selecting and collaborating with a cloud provider as well as the extraterritorial reach of the new data protection regime (II.).

Case Law

Supreme Court of Canada v. 28 June 2017 - 2017 SCC 34, Canada: Necessity to Globally De-Index Websites of Distributors in Breach of Court Orders, CRi 2017, 185-188

Employment Appeal Tribunal v. 10 November 2017 - Appeal No. UKEAT/0056/17/DA, UK: Uber Drivers As Employees, CRi 2017, 188-192

Verlag Dr. Otto-Schmidt vom 23.01.2018